Thursday, May 15, 2008

Today i headed back to London Drugs to pick up some more cottonelle for 2 friends. LD has the policy that you can use any amount of coupons, as long as they are different in any way. up to the value of the coupon. So cottonelle right now has alot of coupons out that have different dates and different numbers on them. I didnt think this would qualify to make them "different" but about 2 monthes ago i inquired to the cashier that was serving me and she said, good question, i'll ask a manager. He said sure, if they are different, then they are this week i have been using 6 different $1 coupons on each cottonelle- price matched at $6.99. I noticed that the cashier that was at the customer service desk was one that tries very hard to find any reason for me not to be able to use my coupons...but i had to go to customer service as i was price matching. Anyways get up to the cashier and she claimed i should be able to use them all...i explained that a manager had given his approval monthes ago for coupons just like these, same differences. She did end up taking the coupons from me, but she didnt utter another word to me, not even a goodbye. I run into alot of problems using coupons, and sometimes they sure make you feel small, when you are giving them your bussiness. There are alot of really good cashiers at London Drugs, i was just unfortunate to have to deal with this one today.
4 x cottonelle $6.99 each, used $6 of coupons each
2 x tampax $3.29 each used $3.25 of coupons each
Total savings today $30.50
Year coupon saving to date- $2026.50

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