Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So skittles and Mac's stores have a deal, where if you buy 5 packs of skittles, send the 5 UPC in an preaddressed envelope, only to be found at Mac's stores, and they will mail you a GC for a free movie. We have one here in town, so i got 10 envies. My hubby has a very sweet tooth and loves his candies and ice cream. So ive put word out with him, when he buys his candy, to choose skittles!! LOL so far i have mailed out one envelope, and hope to do at least 6 before i run out of time.
I was at Walmart tonight and finally found the small bags of planters peanuts and trail mix etc for .99. I have $1 off coupons good on ANY planters product, and they dont have an expiry date on them. So i got 5 of them for free. Also picked up some busy bones for the dogs. Price 3.47, and i have $3 coupons for them.
I ordered another composter for down here in our yard, as one just does not seem to keep up with all the compost waste we produce, plus the grass clippings. Anyways my composter came in today so picked that up, free with 25000 save on more points! I have large compost boxes up at the barn for all the garden waste and manure from the pony. But for the kitchen waste, its just easier to have one close by in the yard.

Monday, June 9, 2008

So most of my OJ from last week that i froze has already been used. I take one out every evening to thaw for the next day. I love the fresh OJ, even when frozen it tastes so fresh. So i only had 2 left in the freezer so hit up save on foods again and brough home another 5 of the 1.89 cartons and one of the 2.8 jugs of 5 alive. all marked down and froze most the juice and some water bottles of juice for lunches. I got some mango/orange juice far my son does not like it, im not too fond of it, so hopefully my daughter loves it, she usuallyl ikes that kind of juice.
Im making a ham/potato/leek soup for dinner, its my favorite kind of soup and very hearty. Good blustery day for it, as it is just pouring out. Made from left over ham, potatoes, celery and near the end i add the knorrs cream of leak soup mix, half a package is plenty for a huge pot of soup- but then it already has the ham flavouring in it, as i simmer the ham and celery for a few hours before adding the potatoes.
I have been picking up sugar this week at shoppers drug mart, which is on for .99 for the 2kg size, but a limit of 3. so on saturday i got 12 with multiple visets and today i got another 3. We have so many humming birds that on nice days we go through a litre a day of sugar water. I may pick up another 3, but am quite stocked up for some time.

Monday, June 2, 2008

yesterday, june 1st i took my son out clothes shopping for summer clothes. So was able to pick myself up some deals.
At Superstore i found milk marked down to .29 for one litre. since i figure we go through up to a gallon a day a nd it expires on the 5th i picked up 16 of them. Hubby and kids thought i went overboard when they saw it all till they noticed we already used 6 of them in one day. Also stopped by shoppers drugmart where sunlight dish liquid was on for .98. i had buy 2 save .75 so bought 4 of them, the limit. already have some dish soap stocked up, so just adding to my stockpile.
So today went to London Drugs, priced matched tampax at 3/9.99, used multiple coupons and got 6 for 1.48 including taxes. At save on foods tropicana OJ 1.89 litres was marked down to .99, regular 4.59, bought 6 of them, filled up one water bottle out of each so it has room to expand when frozen, froze the 6 water bottles and 5 cartons and one is in the fridge. my kids take the frozen juice for school lunches in the water bottles, takes out of freezer night before and by lunch the next day its still nicely chilled. and good oj!! this is my favorite kind so nice to have on hand in the freezer. i find the quality doesnt stay good for long, wouldnt leave in the freezer for more than a month or 2...but we can easily go through a carton in a day, so use it quickly. but like to have it on hand for when i cant find other good juice on sale or reduced. Also at save on foods found the 2 litre organic milks marked down to .99, regular 5.49 that dont expire till the 7th, got 3 of these, so adding to my milk stockpile in the fridge, lol

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

ok, havent posted in a while. ;) been busy trying to get my financing and everything else done to get into school. it is apparently not as easy as just signing up! lol.
Deals that i can remember getting this week are:
Superstore- i noticed that some of the drinkable yogurts, the yummy vanilla expensive ones were about to expire in 3 days, so i asked a fellow who in turn had to ask another fellow if they were going to mark them down. He said the dairy guy must have missed them since they mark everything down 5 days before expiry date. Anyways these were regular 3.99 for 4 little drinks!!! marked down to .39. i got about 30 of them and put them in the freezer. they freeze really well! and various other yogurts he marked down to .39 for me also.
I have ahuge stockpile of cheese now from all my FPC for the cheese. i buy the little snack pack ones, that have 10 individual slices in them and the kids go through them like crazy. i am now starting to stock up on the blocks of cheese. they all dont expire till october, so will continue to stockpile until the coupons run out or they expire- june 30 they expire so still have amonth.
i have also gotton about 14 more of the free pledge products. hmm, cant remember any more of my deals. have traded some of the pledge products for other coupons. free cat food coupons and some stamps.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

So i have decided to go back to school to take my RCA. Which means i will have no income for 6 monthes or more. Zip, zilch, none. I only work part time now, but i pay for all of our groceries, gas, and expenses for the kids. and any travel etc. So i think i will have to up my coupons use if that is possable.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Todays savings.
Save on foods i got 3- 8 packs of the activia yogurt, marked down to 1.99. used .75 coupons for each.
2 x pledge multi surface spray cleaner free with FPC (value of $6.49 each!)
1 x multi surface cleaner clothes free with FPC
1 kraft liveactive cheese slices Free with FPC

Total savings today $27.71
Year to date savings $2054.21
Well today the "smartsource" coupon insert come sout in the paper. Actually today and tomorrow. It has a FREE any Pledge coupon in it. Good for any pledge product. Today i got 7 copies from work, and im keeping my fingers crossed that they are in the free papers that come out tomorrow at work. If they are, i can get about 20+ copies!! It is really hit and miss is they put them in the free papers.