Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So skittles and Mac's stores have a deal, where if you buy 5 packs of skittles, send the 5 UPC in an preaddressed envelope, only to be found at Mac's stores, and they will mail you a GC for a free movie. We have one here in town, so i got 10 envies. My hubby has a very sweet tooth and loves his candies and ice cream. So ive put word out with him, when he buys his candy, to choose skittles!! LOL so far i have mailed out one envelope, and hope to do at least 6 before i run out of time.
I was at Walmart tonight and finally found the small bags of planters peanuts and trail mix etc for .99. I have $1 off coupons good on ANY planters product, and they dont have an expiry date on them. So i got 5 of them for free. Also picked up some busy bones for the dogs. Price 3.47, and i have $3 coupons for them.
I ordered another composter for down here in our yard, as one just does not seem to keep up with all the compost waste we produce, plus the grass clippings. Anyways my composter came in today so picked that up, free with 25000 save on more points! I have large compost boxes up at the barn for all the garden waste and manure from the pony. But for the kitchen waste, its just easier to have one close by in the yard.

1 comment:

Kama said...

Looks like you love coupons too! Check out our blog at this week and see how we also save money!