Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Frugal or Cheap?

Am i cheap because i use coupons? What do you honestly think when you see a woman/man at the grocery store using coupons? All that work for a few cents off? Too cheap to spend an extra 50 cents for an item?
All those 50 cents and $1 sure do add up!!
Would you still think im cheap when you see the amount of things i give away to friends, co-workers, people i dont even know?? It is partly because of these 50 cent coupons, and alot to do with working the coupon system...When products are discontinued, repackaged etc., stores will clear out the old stock with the old packaging (same product exactly!) for sometimes pennies. If you have coupons for these items you can get them for free.
Superstore here has instore coupons. They will also let you use a manufacture coupon for the same item. Sometimes the 2 together equal free!
London Drugs is the only store i know about in Canada that will let you use more than one coupon for the same item- up to the value of the item, but never over. Not even by a penny. And the coupons all have to be different. I find when new items come out, or again when things get repackaged, a "new look" the companies will promote the item and there will be quite a few different coupons out for the same product.
So frugal or cheap? or here is another one- how about smart?


American Dreamer said...

We all know it is not cheap rto use coupons! It is the smart thing to do! Good article!

Shelley said...

Hi, I followed a link from Precious's blog and found yours. My answer is definitely smart! Other people may see it as "a few cents off", but I regularly save between $25-$30 a week with my coupons. If you add that up over the course of a year, that's between $1200-$1500 a year! That's a whole lot more than a few cents. Call it frugal, cheap, whatever...I call it smart shopping! :)

Shelley said...

Hi, me again...I just thought of something, if you click on my user name it will probably take you to my main blog. My shopping/couponing blog is

karma33 said...

yup, i agree, not cheap, its frugal AND smart!
Shelly, thanks for visiting, will check out your blog. ;)